Does blood pressure change during a heart attack?

Blood pressure is the force of your blood as it’s pushed from your heart and circulated throughout your body. During a heart attack, the blood flow to a portion of your heart is blocked. Sometimes, this can lead to your blood pressure decreasing. In some people, there may be little change to your blood pressure at all. In other cases, there may be an increase in blood pressure.

Any blood pressure changes that may occur during a heart attack are unpredictable, so doctors generally don’t use them as a sign of a heart attack. While there could be changes in your blood pressure during a heart attack, other types of heart attack symptoms are much more pronounced.

Blood pressure is measured by evaluating the pressure that blood flowing through your arteries exerts on the walls of those arteries. During a heart attack, blood flow to part of your heart muscle is restricted or cut off, often because a blood clot blocks an artery. Without the necessary blood supply, the affected portion of your heart does not get the oxygen it needs to function properly.